The Magen David overlaying the interlocking plural rings. Where the rings overlap are the colors of the rainbow, and in the center is an eye.

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The Magen David overlaying the interlocking plural rings. Where the rings overlap are the colors of the rainbow, and in the center is an eye.

Xn.: A Xenogender Honorific

We coined the honorific "Xn." (or "xn."[1]) — short for "xen" and pronounced either "xen" rhyming with "zen" or "xeen" rhyming with "scene" — for our headmates who do not feel comfortable with any of the other options and prefer to be referred to in a way that affirms that no other gendered signifier — binary or nonbinary as they may be — is appropriate to refer to them as xenogendered individuals. "Xn." is derived from "xeno-" as in “alien,” “strange,” or “guest,”[2]. This is fitting for those of us who do not see ourselves in human conceptions of gender and seek this being acknowledged in multiple levels of formality.

Though initially created for those who identify as "xeno-" in some way, in particular those with any variety of xenogenders[3], anyone can use this honorific who feels drawn to it. This absolutely includes those who are partially xenogender, fluid with one or more xenogender, or simultaneously a xenogender as well as another gender. Feel free to try it out, alternate it with other signifiers, or use it as inspiration for something new. You can capitalize the "X" or not capitalize it as you/& see fit and we encourage experimentation. The only thing we feel strongly about is that people who are "anti-endogenic"/sysmedicalists are not welcome to the term.


1. We opt for not capitalizing the "x" just like we don't capitalize our names as we seek to challenge those who refer to us, including ourselves, to be intentional about how we choose which is worthy of honor and how by looking to that which is overlooked we can be challenged to construct our futures more creatively. This isn't about dishonoring ourselves, but decentering the first-person on the creative and social plane. Of course, we owe inspiration for this choice from bell hooks of blessed memory and to the many others before us who've made this choice.

2. Sourced from link.

3. According to the Ezgender Wiki, a xenogender is "a type of gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender, and/or that falls outside the bounds of what is commonly defined as a gender." [source: Ezgender Wiki]. This includes anything and everything from animals, plants, objects, sensations, abstract concepts, as well as neurodivergence and alterhuman identity. A xenogender can be intimately entwined with other core identities and experiences to the point where they describe and influence each other.
For an interesting read or listen on xenogenders, check out Xenogenders, Neopronouns, and the transMad Toolbox by [sarah] / Cavar: link. We would also recommend having a look at this page coining the term "transxenine" by Aster/The Flock of Quoi Haunting: link.